Go to the search bar and type the letter, and put the name of the first person who shows up, and answer a few questions about them. If you show up first, just skip your name. After you're done, tag everyone you mentioned :)
A:Ain mansur
1) Do you love this person?
im not bi.oke.we just frenz
2) Is this person your enemy?
3) When was the last time you saw this person?
in school
B:jaqq berr
1) What do you really think of this person?
saya tidak kenal dia
2) What's his/her favorite colors?
ddont know
3) Have you seen this person within the last week?
C:cikgu mas
1) Do you know this person?
yeah.sangat lembut orangnya
2) Did this person have a crush on you?
3) Do you know the same people?
yeahhhh :D
D. dil khir
1) How long have you known him/her?
since primary school
2) Biggest regret?
for what ? :)
3) Do you hate this person?
no, i love u dee xD
E.ratu elisya
1) Have you ever met their parents?
2) Worst thing about this person?
3) Best thing about this person?
F.Fatinah jaafar
1) Has this person ever made fun of you?
yessss! :D
2) When is the next time you will see him/her?
3) Does this person love you?
G.Fahmi ganus
1) Are they a good listener?
tidak kenal
2) Have you ever lied to this person?
err? :P
3) Is this person funny?
i guess. haha
H. izza hazlin
1) What grade / year are they in?
2) Is he/she your friend?
3) Something you have in common?
I.nona izyan
1) How'd you two meet?
in blog.hee
2) Any siblings?
O yeahhh.
3) Have you done something crazy with him/her?
Hahaa, very suree :P
J.shiedah juhari
1) Do they have any siblings?
2) Do they like to dance?
hahaa. awww
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you?
1) How old were you, and how did you first meet?
pks in smk b.a
2) What's his/hers pets name?
3) Love this person?
no bi
L.miraa laa
1) Is this person older than you?
2) How do you know them?
my senior
3) How many times do you talk in a week?
ouhh.sudah lama tidak berjumpa
M.mimiey zuber
1) What would you do if you had never met this person?
mesej or fb kan ada
2) Do you like him/her as a friend?
yess. her happy go lucky boy.
3) Would you go to Disney world with this person?
oke jer.hee
N.nazrul nasa
1) Is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend?
frenz in school
2) Have you seen this person cry?
3) Do you miss him/her?
no.cause always see him
O.black oreb
1) Are you related?
2) When is the last time you saw this person?
3) What school do they go to?
P.fiza picah
1) Do they have a crush on you?
2) Would you hug this person?
3) Is this person your friend?
no.my cousin
Q.megat qusyairi
1) What classes do you have with him/her?
no same school
2) Does he/she have a good personality?
3) What's his/her best quality?
R. nurul nabila ruslan
1) When will you see this person next?
2) Does this person have any siblings?
3) Describe them in one word.
good frenz
S.fatirah syahira
1) What kind of music do they like?
lagu yang sedap didengar
2) Do you consider him/her a friend?
3) Have you ever spent the night with them ?
1) Have you heard this person sing?
2) Do you think this person will repost this?
3) When does this person looks best?
U.umi najwa
1) Funniest moment with this person?
laugh together.masa 3b 2009
2) When did you meet them?
3) Do you like this person as a friend?
V. Fara La Viana
1) Would you hang out with him/her outside of school?
2) How about a pillow fight with him/her?
3) Does this person have a job?
ye kot
W.umi wawan
1) Is this person loud or quiet?
2) Describe this person.
3) What color eyes does this person have?
black kot
X. xiao sheng
1) Is this person close to you?
2) Have you told this person a secret about you?
3) Favorite place to go with this person?
Y. muhammad syahir
1) Does this person wear make-up?
he boy
2) Does this person play any sports?
3) Is this person smart?
Z. allya zainuddin
1) When was the last time you saw this person?
2) Does this person have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
sudah ada
3) Is he/she that someone you won't easily forget?

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